Charter flight Permission
Single non-scheduled air transportations may be operated to/from and within the Republic of Armenia upon the permission granted by GDCA of Republic of Armenia. Our services include checking your documents, creating the application form on your behalf, sending the application to the GDCA, follow up with local authorities and delivering the permission to you.
We will support you in obtaining the permission for your flight to Armenia for free looking forward to our future fruitful cooperation. Please read the article below and click here to fill on-line application form.
To operate single non-scheduled air transportations, the air operator or a legal or natural person not being an air operator (hereinafter- the Applicant) at least 72 hours before the operation of flight(s) shall submit or send to the GDCA RA an Application with the following information:
- Name of the air operator
- Place of business
- All numbers of communications
- Flight number
- State of registry of the aircraft
- Aircraft type
- Nationality and registration marks
- Maximum take-off weight (MTOW)
- Purpose of flight
- Type of traffic (Passenger, cargo, combined, etc.)
- Maximum take-off weight (MTOW)
- Load of the aircraft (number of passengers, their names, surnames, weight and nature of cargo)
- Receiving party (names, numbers of communication)
- Flight route, date and time of flight operation, departure/arrival aerodrome
The copies of the following documents shall be attached to the Application:
- Air Operator Certificate with attached Annexes or operations specifications
- Airworthiness certificate and registration certificate of the aircraft
- Intended for air transportation mentioned in the Application
- Insurance certificates for passengers, baggage, cargo, third party liabilities
- Certificate of pilot-in-command (in case the Applicant is not an air operator)
When due to flight urgency, the Applicant may not submit the application at least 72 hours before the operation of flight(s), then the Applicant shall via E-mail or in the application indicate the reasons for not submitting the application within the specified periods.
Applications for such permits shall be submitted to: Post: General Department of Civil Aviation at the Government of the Republic of Armenia
The validity of flight permissions granted by the GDCA is 48 hours.
To get a permission for two and more non-scheduled commercial air transportations to/from and within the Republic of Armenia, foreign aircraft operators at least 20 working days before the date of flight operation shall submit an application to the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia. Learn More
Non-scheduled flights of foreign civil aircraft transiting the airspace of the Republic of Armenia without landing at the airports of the Republic of Armenia, may be conducted without special permission.