Get up to date estimates for your operation.

Use this tool to check the total price of your operation. There are no extra charges or commission fees included. All charges are as they should appear on your final invoice. Some additional extra services, i.e. GPU, airstart, deicing, extra towing, etc. are not included in this estimation since they are not very common in our location.

Flight Cost Estimation Wizard

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Your invoice would look like this:

Item Description Price Quantity Total
Airport fees Airport Operations Services (Landing/TO) 1
Airport Passenger fees Airport passenger handling fees 1
Parking Airport Operations Services (Parking) 1
Ground Handling Cleaning, towing, toilet service est.. 1
Special Security Special attention form security service 1
Navigation Air navigation within the airport zone 1
Meteo Service Mandatory charge 1
Refueling Cost of fuel 1
Catering Catering, dish-washing est 1
Crew transportation A mini bus or a big bus depending on the crew count 1
HOTAC Hotel accommodation 1
VIP VIP is mandatory for all GA flights
Ground support Apron supervising 250 1 250
Government TAX Mandatory for all peparting pax 1
Sub Total
Credit Fee 0.00
Grand Total